Saturday, January 26, 2013

Rewind: January 21-25, 2013

I love it when my week flows like a stream of consciousness. One action flowing into the next, and then those actions mix and mingle as they flow through time.

That's how it's been this week on The Brown Knowser. There seems to have been two themes running this week, both of them intertwining and weaving into a fabric that is this blog.

The two themes this week were the freezing cold of winter and writing about my fictional Scottish character, Roland Axam. Here's how the week went:
  • Beer O'Clock: When In Winter... —a review of a beer that is made for the winter, aptly named Solstice d'hiver (Winter Solstice) and brought to you as Ottawa plunged into a deep freeze.
  • Walkin' In a Winterlude Wonderland—despite the cold, winter can be a great time of year to take photos. And so, I've organized an evening photo walk during Winterlude (and tickets are running out fast!).
  • Wordless Wednesday: Time Machine 8—because it's been too cold to actually go outside and take pictures (we hit –40° this week!), I travelled back in time to better weather and to Scotland, during my research into my character, Roland Axam.
  • Digging In The Dirt—in my search for writing ideas, I came across my actual Korea diary (the journal I kept while I lived in South Korea). It held entries that I actually wrote about in Songsaengnim: A Korea Diary, using Roland as the main character.
  • Photo Friday: Cold Days—on Thursday, I finally ventured out with my camera to capture images that reflected the cold of the week. I also shot a video that demonstrated the cold. I posted it on Friday, which happened to be Robert Burns Day (I ate haggis and drank whisky in celebration, wore my Scotland rugby shirt, and even spoke with Roland's mellowed-down, East-Lothian accent: no one noticed—don't know if that's a good thing or not).
Did I tie those themes together well enough? Sort of. It wasn't on purpose; I just noticed the connections this morning.

Enjoy your weekend!

Oh, and if you are also following my Beer O'Clock blog, there were two reviews posted this week:

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